terça-feira, 26 de janeiro de 2010

23rd annual Calvin Symposium on Worship.

Motivo da viagem = 23rd annual Calvin Symposium on Worship.


This year we anticipate about 1500 participants over the three day conference, including

-160 overseas international guests from 39 countries
-more than 200 students and faculty from about 40 colleges, universities, and seminaries across the globe
-150 high school students and their teachers from 31 Christian High Schools across US and Canada
-and participants representing more than 40 denominations

"The Great Stories: Narratives of the Old Testament" will be the theme for the six worship services. These services are held in the Van Noord Arena and are free and open to the public (for those who live in the area, please invite your friends and colleagues to the services). See the program book (link below) for preachers and service times.


Quer brincar com as suas fotos e fazer álbuns divertidos? Clique aqui e saiba como.

sexta-feira, 22 de janeiro de 2010

voando por cima do Haiti

rota passa por Republica Dominicana ao lado o Haiti

quarta-feira, 20 de janeiro de 2010

Como está temperatura onde vamos?

  • Temperatura em New York e Newark (em ºCelsius)

  • Temperatura em Grand Rapids (Michigan) (em ºCelsius)

obs : código gerado por http://www.weatherbonk.com/weather/lite/codeGenv2.jsp

webcam do Calvin College


East Grand Rapids, Michigan   (Thu 2:23 AM)

Lançamento do Livro da Evelina

Convite Chat As Jaboticabeiras Felizes

Carissimos, aqui vai o convite para o lançamento do livro!!!
um abraço,
Evelina Mire

terça-feira, 19 de janeiro de 2010

Possibilidades de visita Igrejas



sexta-feira a tarde

segunda a noitinha

  • St John Divine

The Cathedral Church of St. John the Divine
1047 Amsterdam Avenue
New York, New York 10025
General: 212 316-7490
Tours: 212 932-7347